What is Crawling in SEO?

Search Engine Crawlers

If you’re new to SEO, understanding website crawling and Indexing can be daunting. This blog post provides a quick rundown on the basics of crawling, Indexing and their importance in search engine optimization. We’ll also explore factors affecting crawlability and indexability, types of crawlers, and how to enhance your site’s crawlability for better SEO rankings. By the end of this post, you’ll better grasp these critical SEO components and how to optimize your website for search engines.

What Is Crawling? 

Crawling forms the foundation of Indexing. Also known as “Search Engine Crawler,” “Bots,” “Web Robots,” or “Web Spiders,” they traverse websites and determine their content so that it can be added to the search index and evaluated for its relevance to a user’s search query.

With crawling management, you can direct the search engine’s bot to examine all the pages as frequently as possible, i.e., the links essential for Indexing and Ranking. The indexing management then determines which crawled pages are indeed indexed, i.e., should be included in the search results for relevant queries. After a search engine has indexed a webpage, it will rank it based on the ranking standards. It will determine where it appears on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

Google crawls each website a certain “crawl quota.” This term refers to how much time a bot devotes to analyzing a website’s content. The crawl budget will be wasted if you present the algorithm with “unnecessary” pages.” Search engines send their search engine crawlers to your website to index it later.

What are different types of Crawlers?

Googlebot is undoubtedly a widely recognized web crawler, but developers also employ Baidu Spider, Bingbot, Yandex Bot, Soso Spider, Exabot, and Alexa Crawler. Crawlers come in wide varieties and types, but the two highly utilized types are:

Site Search Crawlers

Site searches typically start with the homepage and navigate the entire site. It directs to other website sections utilizing the internal links on that page. “Spidering” is a general term for this practice.

Page Crawlers

Page crawl is a web crawler’s endeavour to index a specific web page, for instance, a blog post, footage, etc.

Is There a Difference Between Crawling and Indexing?

People in the SEO business often mix up crawling and ranking, which are two distinct functions. Crawling is discovering web pages and links that route to other pages. On the other hand, Indexing is a procedure of preserving, analyzing, and organizing the material and links between web pages. If a page is crawled and added to Google’s index, it has satisfied the compulsory requirements for inclusion in Google’s search engine results. The following are the key differences in understanding the terminologies.

Crawling Indexing
Crawling means "following your links" in SEO parlance Indexing means "adding web pages to Google's search engine.”
When Googlebot comes to your site to collect data, they are referred to as "Spiders," specialized in this function. Crawling is the first step in the Crawling and Indexing process, followed by the result being added to Google's index (Search Engine Page Result).
Search engine bots deploy "crawling" to find new publicly accessible content on the internet. Indexing occurs when search engine bots crawl web pages and retain a copy of all information on index servers, and search engines display pertinent outcomes when a user makes a search query.
It explores the internet for pages and adds them to a queue for indexing. It explores the internet for pages and adds them to a queue for indexing. It examines the material of websites and stores in an index containing helpful information.
More time and energy are needed for crawling compared to indexing. Indexing makes better use of available resources by processing the data acquired during the crawling process.

What Affects Crawlability and Indexability?

1. Website Architecture

Crawlability is significantly affected by how the website’s content is organized. Crawlers may need help reaching content on your site if, for instance, certain sections aren’t associated with anything else. However, if someone mentions those pages in their content, they could still be accessed via external links. Yet, a fragile structure could cause crawlability issues.

2. Internal Linking

Like you, a web crawler follows links. It can only find pages linked to other material. Thus, a good internal link structure will assist it in reaching deep site pages rapidly. A web crawler may overlook some of your content if your structure needs to be revised.

3. Technology Factors and Unsupported Scrpts

The site’s technology might need fixing with crawlability. For instance, because crawlers cannot follow forms, hindering content behind a form will cause crawlability problems. Web crawlers can also have trouble accessing some content because of scripting languages like JavaScript and Ajax.

What Is a Crawl Budget?

Crawl budget signifies the number of pages that search engines will crawl on a website within a specified time. The crawl budget is determined by the ratio between the maximum number of times a site can be crawled without causing shortcomings and the desired number of times a site should be crawled.

If you save crawl money, search engines can crawl your site more thoroughly, harming your SEO rankings. Google primarily considers the following four parameters when allocating the crawl budget

1. Site Size

Larger sites will have a higher crawl budget and would determine how many pages google crawls on it.

2. Server Configuration

The amount of funding your site could be affected by its load times and overall performance.

3. Modify Frequency

How frequently do you update your content? Google will give more weight to regularly updated material.

4. Internal Linking and Connections

Internal linking structure and inactive connections.

How To Tell Search Engine Crawlers which web pages to crawl?

Sitemaps are the most effective means of communicating crawling instructions to search engines. XML Sitemap provide search engines with a list of URLs to crawl and their latest changed dates. Let’s take a quick look at some other suggestions for enhancing your site’s crawlability:

  1. Frequently update your content. Google will recognize the pattern and slow down the refresh query for your website if you publish one blog post per week and no other content revisions. 

  2. In Google Search Console, submit the URL for reindexing once your website has been updated.

  3. Create more contextually relevant links from regularly crawled websites and web pages on your site.

  4. Invest time and effort in enhancing your website’s loading performance. If your website loads too slowly, website crawlers may abandon it.

  5. Reduce your website’s orphaned page count. Orphaned pages are those that are not linked to any other page.

  6. Update the Robots Txt Files frequently. 


Crawling and Indexing are important chapters in the Search Engine Optimization industry. Digital Marketers must have a firm grasp on these two fundamental tasks first and foremost.

As soon as websites surpass the size of a small homepage, one of the most vital duties is to ensure that the present material is as comprehensive and current as it can be in the Google index. Because resources for capturing and retaining web pages are limited, Google implements domain-specific limits.

Large websites quickly hit the restrictions. With intelligent crawl and indexing management, utilizing available resources as effectively as feasible is imperative.

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