What is an H1 Tag?

What is an H1 Tag?

There can be several headers on each page or post. The first header that can be seen on a website is the H1> HTML tag, which is normally utilized for the title of a page or post. An h1 is frequently formatted differently than the other header tags on a web page (h2, h3, h4).

What Are Header Tags?

Websites utilize header tags, also known as heading tags, to distinguish between sections other headings, and subsections. They are numbered from H1 through H6, with H1s generally the title. Header tags increase a web page’s readability and SEO.

Here’s a basic primer on header tags and their applications:

  • H1 — The post’s title. They’re generally keyword-focused, centered on the “big idea” of a page or article, and written to pique a reader’s interest.

  • H2 — These are subheaders that categorize the key themes of your paragraphs and divide them into parts. Use semantic keywords associated with the “big idea” in your H1 to aid the reader in finding the sections they are interested in reading.

  • H3 — These are subsections that elaborate on the concerns raised in H2. As an alternative, you may use them for organizing lists or headings.

  • H4 —These are subsections that expand on the issues stated in H3.

The following guide will walk you through what an H1> tag is, why it is extremely important to SEO, and what are the best practices for an SEO-friendly header tag.

What is an H1 Tag?

The H1 tag is an HTML component that specifies a webpage’s primary heading. 

All primary internet browsers, like Chrome, Android, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari, etc., align well with the H1 tag. Search engines use the H1 tag, the most fundamental component of a webpage, to comprehend the page’s subject matter.

For example, if your website is about ‘data visualization tools,’ you should use the H1 tag given below:

<h1> Data Visualization Software </h1>

The H1 tag has a straightforward syntax. The text you want to appear as the main page header should go between the opening and closing h1 tags – <h1>…</h1>.

H1 Tag Exemplification

The following is an illustration of an H1 tag for a page on “best mutual funds”:

  • h1> Best Mutual Funds for Investors </h1>

Use your core keywords in your heading tag, but don’t overuse them. Using the above example, some suitable H1 tag alternatives are:

  • <h1> Best Mutual Funds for 2021 </h1>

  • <h1> Best Mutual Funds for High Returns </h1>

  • <h1> Leading Mutual Funds to Invest in 2021 </h1>

And here are some bad instances of over-optimized H1 tags to avoid:

  • <h1> Best Mutual Funds: Top Mutual Funds: Best Mutual Funds For 2021</h1>

  • <h1> Best Mutual Funds in 2021: List of Best Mutual Funds </h1>

As a result, never misuse your seed term in the header tag.

Why Are H1 Tags Important for SEO?

Including an H1 tag at both the title and start of your content provides search engines, organic visitors, and viewers with screen readers with a short overview of your page’s topic.

According to Tom Capper, Sr Search Scientist at Moz, “From a direct ranking perspective, a clear heading on a page is a significant indication of what a page is about.”

Numerous studies have been conducted on the relevancy of H1 tags from an SEO standpoint, and there are a few hours the various reasons why it is so important to continue utilizing H1s as an SEO best practice:

  • H1s promote manageability.

  • In certain unusual circumstances, Google may employ H1s instead of meta titles.

  • There is evidence that using headings correlates with higher results, but there is no proof that headings are a Google ranking component.

The H1 element should be the initial headline that a user sees when the content loads for consistency and readability. It tells readers what your website is about and stimulates them to keep scrolling once they arrive on your site from a search engine results page or similar online destination. H1 tags should immediately make your readers or potential buyers think, “Yes, I’ve located the page I’m looking for.”

How to Add an H1 Tag to Your Page?

Adding an H1 tag to most website content management systems (CMSs) is simple. In reality, many CMSs just turn your meta title into your H1. However, it’s possible that you won’t always want your meta titles and H1s to be identical. 

For example, if your firm name appears in your meta title. Or if your title has a value proposition (such as “Save on lawn chairs!”) that might appear spammy if reiterated at the top of your page as the H1. 

The H1 tag can be modified using HTML and WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and other platforms.

  • Create an H1 tag in WordPress

The page title is often used as the H1 in most websites with WordPress themes.

You must reprogram it if you wish to modify any other headers. Select the text to be reformatted by clicking or highlighting it. Above the chosen block, a toolbar will appear. The paragraph indicator will likely be located on the toolbar’s leftmost side. Click it and then choose “Heading.” 

WordPress chooses the H2 tag for html heading for you. Change your heading tag to H1 by clicking “H2” in the toolbar and selecting “H1.”

  • Create an H1 Tag in Squarespace

In most situations, adding an H1 in Squarespace (for blog post title) is as easy as writing the “post title” section. If you wish to edit the H1 tag for content marketing a page, begin by choosing the portion of the content you want to transform into an H1. Then, on the leftmost side of your toolbar, click the formatting button and select “Heading 1.”

  • Create an H1 Tag in Wix

On most Wix themes, each page has one H1 tag. Change your H1 tags’ temporary styling in the theme editor if you’re unsure which text this is. In the page builder, this ought to successfully highlight the H1.

  • Create an H1 tag in HTML

Employ an initial H1 tag (h1>), then insert your page title, followed by a closing H1 tag (/h1>). For example: <h1>This is the H1</h1>

H1 Tag Best Practices

Surely, we’ve enlightened you about the significance of an h1 tag in search engine optimization. If you’re ready to incorporate H1 tag optimization into your content development process, here are a few easy yet effective SEO practices to consider.

  1. Utilize one H1 tag per page

If you’ve previously done any study on h1 tags, you likely already know that many SEO professionals advise against using more than one h1 tag per page. Because your h1 tag defines the content of your website, it stands to reason that you should only use one h1 tag to prevent any ambiguity regarding both the title tag substance of your web page.

However, it is fairly uncommon for some HTML 5-based website designs or WordPress themes to employ h1 tags to style the heading within extremely important sections on a page, such as navigation extensions or subscription boxes.

According to Google’s John Mueller, this is not cause for concern. Crawl bots may explore various headers without confusion and do not affect SEO.

  1. Make each H1 tags one-of-a-kind

Every page on your website needs a different h1 tag since they let users and Google know what the content is all about. By using several h1 tags, you risk giving crawlers and site visitors the idea that your web pages are duplicates of one another.

Although duplicate content will not result in a penalty, several “appreciably similar” pages may influence search traffic. When the identical h1 appears on many pages, search engine crawlers cannot determine which version is more pertinent to a search query. As a result? Google could show a page from a rival search feature that more directly relates to the current search.

  1. Develop meaningful H1 tags

Your page’s H1 should clearly explain the following content and be properly related to the subject matter of the title tag. 

  1. Don’t overfill H1 tags with keywords

Avoid stuffing your h1 with keywords in an attempt to boost your ranks. Google interprets over-optimization as an attempt to trick the system – indicating that your page may not be credible. When visitors arrive on your page and see a h1 that is unnaturally crammed with keywords, they will likely have a similar reaction.

The following is an example of a h1 tag that will likely turn off readers and send them in search of more relevant content: “What exactly is an H1 tag in SEO?” The Importance of H1 Tags in SEO and H tags.”

  1. Keep H1 tags brief

Simple and concise H1 tags are recommended. Use concise title html heading tags; the more words you use to explain your page, the less weight those words will have. For instance, your page’s heading should say “compare insurance quotes” if you want it to rank for that search phrase.  Your page’s ON-Page SEO is significantly enhanced when your keyword and H1 tag exactly match.

  1. The ideal H1 tag width is 20 to 70 characters

Although there isn’t a strict length requirement for your h1, keeping it between 20 and 70 characters, including punctuation, is advised. A sweet spot of around 55 characters is preferred. 

Why? A title with fewer than 20 characters is unlikely to be more than generic. If Google decides not to utilize the page title to introduce your search snippet, an H1 tag longer than 55 characters will be chopped off in SERPs.

  1. Style hierarchy headers

On a website, headings are used to create a hierarchy. The CSS design should reflect this because the H1 tag is typically the most significant of six different heading tags on the page. To put it another way, the H1 tag should be the most noticeable one. It may seem apparent, but many websites have minimal evident differentiation between H1s and H2s.

  1. The H1 tag should reflect the user’s desire

When writing your h1, keep user intent in mind. Users may quit your website before viewing the material if it does not meet their standards.

In addition to losing readers or sales, this is terrible for your SEO. Users viewing a website and then reverting to the search bar top results because they are dissatisfied, referred to as pogo-sticking, and it can have a detrimental impact on your rankings in the long run.

  1. Enhance your H1 tags with additional HTML header tags

Your header tags should provide an information hierarchy for your page’s content. Consider your H1 as the title of a book, and your h2s as chapter titles, outlining all the pages and key themes you’ll be discussing. The remaining headings (h3s to h6s) function as subheaders inside each part, similar to how a book chapter is divided into several subtopics.

  1. Apply modifiers

Adding modifiers like “best,” “ultimate,” or “complete” to your H1 tag can help to boost its significance and uniqueness.


Is the H1 tag synonymous with the page title tag?

The H1 and title tags are distinct components that perform distinct roles on a web page.

Do h1 tags carry metadata?

A piece of HTML code called metadata informs search engines about the content of a page. The purpose, use, and attributes of each type of metadata vary.

Is it possible to optimize the H1 tag?

H1 tags are a great example of a common interest shared by SEOs, content writers, and website developers. Your H1 can keep visitors on your site longer because it is a vital aspect of on-page optimization and the user’s first focus point when they arrive on your website.

Wrapping up

optimizing your H1 tags is a vital component of SEO that should not be disregarded. By adhering to the recommended practices described in this guide, you can enhance the significance and relevance of your main heading and raise your chances of appearing higher in search engine results pages. 

Make your H1 tags informative, relevant, brief, and always contain your primary target keyword for optimum effect. With these strategies and best practices, you’ll be comfortably on your way to topping your competition in search engine results pages.

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